What is the age requirement to work?
All participants must be 18 years old to apply.
How much time must a participant commit?
Participants working during the festival will be required to work an average minimum of twelve (12) hours throughout the event. Different requirements may apply to special positions available in Pre or Post Festival work, that are opt-in only.
What are the perks of participating?
A 3-day WinterWonderGrass festival pass. Special Limited WinterWonderGrass Volunteer schwag, a festival eco-cup and a fantastic behind-the-scenes experience.
Applications for WinterWonderGrass Steamboat are now live. Apply here.
What fees are associated?
A $265 refundable ticket purchase is required to participate. Upon completion of your shifts, we will refund the $250 of the purchase price. The additional $15 will be kept for administrative fees.
Will worker positions sell out?
Once all positions are filled, reimbursable tickets will sell out and applications will close.
What forms of payment are accepted?
Credit Cards are the only form of payment accepted.
Can the work shifts be canceled?
Yes, but please note that fees DO apply. Canceling MUST be completed by the participant, please contact us directly at volunteers@bonfirentertainment.com
What are the cancellation fees and dates?
There is a cancellation fee, depending on the date you cancel. Please see application for details.
Can friends work together?
Please note in your application that you would like to work alongside a friend. We will make every effort to honor all requests.*
*Please note that it may not be possible to work in the same department or at the same position post, but shift times will be similar so that free time is similar, and friends can enjoy time off together.
Can I be guaranteed a specific work department?
We cannot guarantee specific assignments. However, based on previous performance at Bonfire Events, this will help us determine a good fit for you.
When are schedules released?
We will aim to release your work schedule within two weeks of the event
Is water or food provided while on shift?
Water stations will be available throughout the festival – food will not. Make sure to eat before your shift. No breaks for meals are provided during shifts. Feel free to bring snacks or whatever you need to maintain the best attitude during your shift.
What should workers bring to each shift?
Bring water and snacks. Participants should wear comfortable shoes or boots. PLEASE BRING LAYERS- it is going to be cold/snowy so please dress/plan accordingly.
Why may someone NOT receive a worker ticket refund?
Failing to adhere to the event code of conduct.
Any misconduct that would get a participant fired from their work position, such as stealing, lying, inappropriate behavior, etc.Appearing intoxicated while on shift, on legal or illegal substances.
Consuming legal or illegal intoxicating substances during shift (alcohol, marijuana, etc), or prior to shifting.
Failing to report to work.
Disrespectful or insubordinate behavior to event staff.
Bonfire Entertainment reserves the right to remove a participant from the event site and/or retain the reimbursable ticket for other reasons not listed above, at the sole discretion of the event. Please follow our motto, GIVE RESPECT, GET RESPECT, be nice, and show a good attitude to avoid issues.
What if I have any additional questions?
All questions in regards to volunteers can be sent to the Volunteer Manager at volunteers@bonfirentertainment.com
As long as all volunteer requirements are met, all volunteers will receive a 3-Day GA wristband to the festival, as well as complimentary Bonfire/WWG volunteer apparel as a thank you for your participation.
Extra perk for Green Team! Green Team volunteers will receive one Grass After Dark late night ticket to the show of their choosing.
Please Note: While we are unable to guarantee positions, we will do our best to accommodate your requests. Please email volunteers@bonfirentertainment.com with any questions.
Experience preferred. Work with our box office team to answer any questions related to ticketing and guest services. Responsibilities can include, unpacking tasting cups, guiding guests in the right direction, and basic customer service.
Be one of the first to say hello as guests arrive to the venue. Responsibilities can include, guiding guests in the right direction, passing out cups, wristbanding, and assisting the front gate team to ensure safe and orderly, entrance and exit. You may be asked to stand for long periods of time 2+ hrs.
At Bonfire Entertainment, Leave No Trace is paramount to what we do. Help us by maintaining the cleanliness & sustainability of the festival. Job responsibilities can include, guest sustainability education, trashing picking, and sorting of trash, recyclable, and compostable material. You may be asked to stand for long periods of time 2+ hrs. (must be able to lift over 30 lbs)
We welcome even the wee little ones, at our shows, Help us entertain the future of music lovers by helping in this fun-filled environment. Job responsibilities can include, playing games, face painting, and assisting with clean up of this zone. Youth experience preferred.
Are you a night owl? Then this position is for you! Our team needs help in various areas after hours. Job responsibilities can include, working late night box office for our after-hours shows, and assisting in our late-night transportation. You may be asked to stand for long periods of time 2+ hrs.
Experience preferred. Help US help YOU LOOK GOOD! Our merchandise team curates ands sell all festival schwag. Job responsibilities can include, setting up and breakdown of tents, merch sales, and customer service. You will be asked to stand for long periods of time 2+ hrs.
Parking a single car doesn't need much space...But parking 1000s of cars, now that requires A LOT. (get it?!) Much like our front gate team, you will be one of the first to say hello and goodbye as guests arrive and depart the venue. Job responsibilities can include, guiding guests in the right direction and basic customer service. You may be asked to stand for long periods of time 2+ hrs.
It takes a hardworking village to create our events, these team members will assist our operations crew in helping with festival set-up & breakdown. Job responsibilities can include, interior tent setup, basic building and demolition, venue decor, lifting and moving, and MORE. (must be able to lift a minimum of 50 lbs and sustain a manually laborious day on your feet)
Experience preferred. Help us curate an special festival experience. Our VIP team creates an elevated "vibe" and you can too! Job responsibilities can include, setting up and breakdown of the tent, table bussing, and customer service. You may be asked to stand for long periods of time 2+ hrs.